Quantity Breaks

If your company offers quantity breaks, set up the following information on the Quantity Breaks screen. Suggested Cost/Price information is based on selling unit of measure.

The quantity break price may be entered as a basis and multiplier, a set price or a change. The valid options for basis for quantity break prices are as follows: list price, manual cost, standard price, or any previous quantity break price.

IC Static Control record Require Descending Prices Flag

If the require descending prices flag (in the IC Static record) is set to Y, all price breaks must be the same type (basis/multipliers or fixed amounts). Furthermore, if basis/multiplier is used, all price breaks must either use the same basis or they must be based on another price break. For example, if manual cost is the basis for break 1, the bases for breaks 2 through 6 must be either manual cost or one of the previous price breaks. The basis for levels 2 - 6 may not be set to list price or standard price.

If the require descending prices flag is set to Y, the prices for breaks 1 through 6 must be entered in a descending order. For example, if price break 1's price is $5.00 then the price for price break 2 must be less than or equal to $5.00.

Click Field Descriptions for information on each field.