Item/Customer PTD, YTD Analysis (SAR440) Field Descriptions

Using Reports

Use the following fields to print the Item/Customer PTD, YTD Analysis.

1. Time Period

Indicate whether you want to print P-Period-to-date or Y-Year-to-date totals. The program defaults to both.

2. Order

Select the order in which you want the report to print: Item, Alpha, Vendor or Item Class.

3. Beginning Order Choice

Depending on the order you selected set the beginning of the range that you want to appear on the report. Press F1 to default to FIRST.  Press F2 to search existing item, vendor or item class codes

4. Ending Order Choice

Depending on the order you selected set the end of the range that you want to appear on the report. Press F1 to default to LAST.  Press F2 to search existing item, vendor or item class codes.

5. Branch

Specify the branch number for which you want to see information. The program defaults to the branch assigned to the terminal on which you are working.  

6. Beginning Customer

Specify the code for the customer you want the see first on the report. The program defaults to FIRST. Press F2 to search existing customer codes.

7. Ending Customer

Specify the code for the last customer you want to appear on the report. The program defaults to LAST. Press F2 to search existing customer codes. The beginning and ending customer fields enable you to set a range of customers that appear on the report.

8. Item Type

Select which item types you want included on the report: S-Stocked, N-Nonstocked or U-Uninventoried. The program defaults to all three (SNU).

9. Item Description

Select which item descriptions you want to print: 1, 2, B-Both or N-Neither. Item descriptions 1 and 2 are entered in the IC Item F/M program.

10. Figures

Specify the figures that you want printed on the report. You can enter any combination of S-Sales, C-Cost, G-GM$, P-GM% and U-units. If you are printing in Multiperiod or Comparison formats, the program defaults to S-Sales. If you selected the Accumulated format, the program defaults to SCGPU.

11. Ship-to

The program defaults to S-Summary, but if you have customers with multiple ship-to addresses, this control also gives you the option of printing figures for each ship-to address (D-Detail) or only printing customers with multiple ship-to addresses and breaking down figures for each address (M-Multiple).

12. Cutoff

This field allows you to cut off customers that show figures either A-Above or B-Below a certain amount (the amount is indicated in the next field). The program defaults to N-No Cutoff.

13. Amount

Specify the cutoff amount for which customers will not print (+/-99999999). The program defaults to 0. If you selected N-No Cutoff in the previous field, this field is disabled.

14. Descending Order

Indicate whether or not you want to print figures in descending order — from highest to lowest. The program defaults to unselected.

15. New Page

If you choose to print the report in Item or Alpha order, this field is skipped. Otherwise, indicate whether you want each vendor or item class to print on a new page. The program defaults to N.

16. Totals Only

If you choose to print the report in Item or Alpha order, this field is skipped. Otherwise, indicate whether you want to print totals only on the report. The program defaults to not selected. Note: If you select Totals Only and have Descending Order selected as well, the program automatically deselects Descending Orders since it becomes unnecessary.

See Also

Using Reports

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails

Register procedures