Use these fields to manage credit card handling features in FACTS:
The following fields are available for the ICVERIFY credit card processor.
1. Transaction Polling Directory
Specify the path name to the "master" station, which is the PC that you have designated to process credit card transactions. The path name must be 60 characters or less. If this path name is not supplied to FACTS, an error will likely occur when you try to run credit card transactions.
This setting tells FACTS how long it should wait for the credit card processor (CPC) to answer your call before hanging up. You can enter up to 999 seconds.
3. Response Timeout
This setting tells FACTS how long it should wait for a response, or authorization, after the processor answers your call. FACTS supports up to 999 seconds.
Specify Y (or select the box) to require users who process credit cards to enter customer addresses during credit card transactions. This is intended to offer the customer an additional level of security by asking them to supply additional information.
Specify N if you do not want to add this step to credit card transactions.
5. Use Voice Authorization Only
Select the check box if you are not using the ICVERIFY software, or if for some reason you cannot reach your credit card processor via modem.
Do not select the check box if you are using ICVERIFY and the modem connection to your credit card processor works.
If voice authorization is turned on, FACTS requires you to enter an authorization code during the credit card transaction.
6. Use Last 4 Digit Security
Specify Y to require users to enter the last four digits of the customers’ credit card number when using ICVERIFY magnetic stripe readers during credit card transactions. This is intended to provide the customer with an additional level of security by verifying the last four numbers on the customer’s card. Note: If a clerk keys in the number instead of swiping the card, FACTS does not prompt you to enter the last four digits.
Specify N if you do not want this step added to credit card transactions.
When set to selected, this flag allows FACTS to communicate with ICVERIFY, which is essential if you want to settle or close out transactions at the end of the day or at the end of a shift.
If this flag is set to unselected, credit card transactions collect in the Process Pending Transactions program (under the Invoices menu). For more information, refer to the Process Pending Transactions program topic.
Processing Credit Card Transactions Offline for ICVerify To work in an "offline" mode (which is usually the exception not the rule per ICVerify), the Transmit to ICVerify flag should to be set to unselected (off). Then all operations will default to using Voice Authorization and will be batched as a pending transaction. When you are ready to transmit, change the "Transmit to ICVerify" check box to selected (on). Then use the Process Pending Transactions program to transmit the pending transactions to the card processor.
This sets the width of your credit card receipts, which can range from 30 to 80 columns wide. Specify 0 if you do not want a receipt to print.
9. Receipt Message
Specify the message (up to 25 characters) that you want printed at the bottom of your receipts.
Use these fields are available for the PayflowPro credit card processor.
1. Select the PayflowPro interface method. This program presently defaults to T-TCP/IP Manager as the default.
In the PayFlowPro Com Agent section of the screen, complete the following:
2. Host Address
Specify the host address for the TCP/IP Manager.
3. Port
Specify the host port for the TCP/IP Manager.
4. Response Timeout
Specify number of seconds until timeout connecting to TCP/IP Manager.
In the PayPal Settings section of the screen, complete the following:
5. Host Address
Specify PayflowPro host address.
6. Test Host Address
Specify PayflowPro test host address
7. Host Port
Specify PayflowPro host port.
8. Response Timeout
Specify number of seconds until timeout connecting to PayflowPro.
9. Vendor
Specify the PayPal login name.
10. Partner
Specify name of authorized PayPal reseller.
11. Password
Specify authorized PayPal account password.
12. Verbosity
Specify level of detail of responses. You can select from L-Low or M-Medium.
13. Use Address Verification Service (AVS)
Indicate whether to require users who process credit cards to enter customer addresses during credit card transactions. This is intended to offer the customer an additional level of security by asking them to supply additional information.
14. Automatically Decline on AVS failure
Indicate whether you want the system to automatically void a transaction that fails customer address verification.
15. Use Credit Card Security Code (CSC)
Select this check box to require users to enter the three-digit security code from the back side of the customers’ credit card number when using PayflowPro magnetic stripe readers during credit card transactions.
16. Automatically Decline on CSC failure
Indicate whether you want the system to automatically void a transaction that fails credit card security code verification.
17. Transmit To PayflowPro
When selected, this check box allows FACTS to communicate with PayflowPro, which is essential if you want to settle or close out transactions at the end of the day or at the end of a shift.
When unselected, credit card transactions collect in the Process Pending Transactions program (under the Invoices menu). For more information, refer to the Process Pending Transactions program topic. Processing Credit Card Transactions Offline for PayflowPro
To work in an "offline" mode (which is usually the exception not the rule per PayflowPro)., the Transmit to PayflowPro flag should to be unselected (off). Then all operations will default to using Voice Authorization and will be batched as a pending transaction. When you are ready to transmit, select the "Transmit to PayflowPro" check box (on). Then use the Process Pending Transactions program to transmit the pending transactions to the card processor.
18. Use Voice Authorization Only
Select the check box if you are not using the PayflowPro software, or if for some reason you cannot reach your credit card processor via modem.
Do not select the check box if you are using PayflowPro and the modem connection to your credit card processor works.
If voice authorization is turned on, FACTS requires you to enter an authorization code during the credit card transaction.
In the Proxy Settings section of the screen, complete the following:
19. Address
Specify the Proxy Server address.
20. Port
Specify the Proxy Server port.
21. Logon
Specify the Proxy Server log on name.
22. Password
Specify the Proxy Server password.
23. Last CC Receipt Number Used
The last credit card receipt number used. (display-only)
24. Columns for Credit Card Receipt
This sets the width of your credit card receipts, which can range from 30 to 80 columns wide. Specify 0 if you do not want a receipt to print.
24. Receipt Message
Specify the message (up to 25 characters) that you want printed at the bottom of your receipts.
Press the Test Settings link to test the connection to PayflowPro using the test server address.
The following fields are available for the CenPOS credit card processor.
1. Base URL
The URL for the CenPOS interface. The default is
2. Merchant ID
Specify the account ID for CenPOS.
3. Password
Specify the CenPOS password.
4. User ID
Specify the user id used with cookies to allow processing without logging in each time.
5. Validate Cookies
Indicate whether to allow connecting to CenPOS without requiring logging in each time. If checked, CenPOS ignores any stored cookie and uses log-in info provided in the request. If no info is provided, the user will be prompted to log in.
6. Use Last Four Digit Security
Indicate whether to require the entry of the last 4 digits of the credit card when swiping a card. If unchecked, the last four digits field is disabled and does not require the last four digits to be entered when swiping a card (existing field)
7. Last CC Receipt Number Used
The last credit card receipt number used. (display-only)
8. Columns for Credit Card Receipt
This sets the width of your credit card receipts, which can range from 30 to 80 columns wide. Specify 0 if you do not want a receipt to print.
Manual Tab
(Available when the credit card processor in Company Control F/M (SMF920) is set to manual)
1. Last CC Receipt # Used
The last credit card receipt number used. (display-only)
For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.