You are here: Accounts Payable > AP Document Entry > AP Recurring Documents > Recurring Document Entry (APE130)

Recurring Document Entry (APE130)

How To  

Use this program to enter and maintain documents (invoices) that need post to the Open Documents file on a periodic basis (monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.). This system helps cut down the amount of document entry required each month.

You can set up standard monthly bills, such as utilities and rent, or periodic entries, such as lease and note payments. You can also use the program to change header or line-item information in existing documents.

The Recurring Payables entry screen consists of the header portion where the vendor number, document amount, etc. are entered, and the line-item portion where each general ledger expense account number is entered.

To access this program, click Accounts Payable>Recurring Documents>Recurring Document Entry.

Click field descriptions for detailed information for each field.

See also

Creating recurring AP documents