AP Document Entry (APE110) field descriptions

These fields are used to enter an accounts payable document.

1. Period

The period (PPYY) the expense account distribution should be posted to in GL. The period specified may be either the current or next GL period.

2. Vendor

The vendor number for this document. Entry of a valid vendor number displays the name, address, GL posting table, document group, branch, terms code, and message for this vendor. If the vendor is inactive, the entry is refused. Press  F3 to perform a document search (i.e., documents entered into the document entry file, but not yet updated to the open documents file).

If the vendor number is not a valid vendor number, you can add a new vendor by answering yes when the system asks if you want to add a new vendor. The Vendor F/M screen is displayed. After the vendor addition is complete, the system returns you to the Document Entry screen.

3. Document Number

The document number (up to 10 characters). This number is checked against the past and open document files. If the entered document number is a duplicate for this vendor, a message is displayed and the entry refused. If the document has been currently entered and is in the document entry file, the system will display the document on the screen and the you can make any changes needed.

4. PO # (Purchase Order Number)

The purchase order number (up to 12 characters). Press Enter to default to 000000 for the PO number.

5. GL # (General Ledger Number)

The GL posting table initially assigned to the vendor displays as the default. Press F2 to search.

6. Doc Grp (Document Group)

The document group assigned to the vendor in Vendor F/M.

7. Branch

The branch number assigned to the terminal entering the document.  

8. Terms (Code)

The payment terms code initially assigned to the vendor in the vendor file. An M (manual) terms code will require entry of due dates and discount amount. 

9. Document Amount

The document amount (+/-9999999.99). Zero amounts are not accepted. A negative number indicates a credit memo or credit adjustment.

10. Discountable Amount

The amount to compute the discount on (+/- 9999999.99), i.e., freight may be included in the document amount, however, not eligible for discount. Press Enter to default to document amount.

11. Document Date

The date of the document. The entry must be a date prior or equal to a date in the next GL period.

12. Due Date

The due date. Press Enter to automatically calculate the due date, discount amount and date based on the Terms Code.

13. Discount

This may be entered as a dollar amount or as a percent of the document amount. To enter as a percentage, type the number required and a percent (%) sign.

14. Discount Due Date

The discount due date.

15. Memo

This memo (up to 25 characters) prints on the check stub in the Comments column.


This concludes the header portion of the Document Entry program. After the header record is created, all previous fields except #1-3 are accessible through the change header routine. Fields #1-3 can only be changed by deleting and re-entering the document.

For FACTS systems that do not use PO Invoice Receipts, click CRS to associate an AP Invoice with the customer return documents that are waiting on vendor approval for releasing the customer credit or replacement goods.You can also disassociate a return document from the AP invoice unless the AP invoice came from PO Invoice Receipts. If there are no documents waiting approval for the selected vendor, this button will be disabled.

The line-item portion of the program allows entry of up to 999 line-items. Line numbers are assigned automatically beginning with 001 and incrementing by one for each additional line-item up to 999.

16. G/L Number

The GL expense account number where this document will be distributed. If the entire amount of the document is not to be distributed to this account, enter other account numbers in subsequent line-items. If the GL posting table for this document has preset expense accounts, CR defaults to the first GL account number in the GL posting table. Press F2 to view all GL numbers listed for the GL posting table assigned to this document and their descriptions.

17. Amount

The amount to be distributed to this GL number (+/-9999999.99). This may be entered as an amount or as a percent of the original undistributed amount (document amount). If entering a percentage, type the number required and a percent (%) sign. Zero amounts are not accepted. Press Enter to default to the document amount not yet distributed (undistributed). The ending routine may not be accessed until the entire document amount has been distributed.

If you entered a job number in the G/L number field to post this entry to a job, the system supplies the amount from the Cost ext field in the Job Posting Entry window. In this case, the Amount field is initially skipped. Then, the system asks for the expense GL account number.

This concludes the line-item portion of the Document Entry program. You can:

Change the highlighted line-item 

Add a line-item

Delete the document

Insert a line item above the highlighted line in the browser. 


After you complete line item entry processing and select, you can click Header to access the Header Detail screen where you can review header details and modify the document amount or header memo.


Click Done to complete the document entry.


See also

Entering AP document headers

Modifying AP header document information

Posting AP document lines to job costs