You are here: Sales Orders > Sales Order File Maintenances > Companion Item Entry (SOE150)

SO Companion Item Entry (SOE150)

Use SO Companion Item Entry to designate items or memos to import when a specified item is entered in Order Entry, Quotes, Confirmation, Direct Invoices or Counter Sales. You can indicate whether the import of items/memos is automatic or prompted for each Order Entry program type. Companion items are available in the Inventory Control, Sales Orders and Purchase Orders modules. When deleting a parent companion item, a message is displayed asking whether to delete the companion item in SO only or across all modules, within all Companion files

Click field descriptions for information on each field.

Companion item processing

In the Order Entry program suite when a line item is originally saved, a check is performed to determine if there is an SO Companion Item header record for the item number.

Use Companion Item Entry (SOE150) to select whether the import of items/memos is automatic, prompted, or not applicable to the entry program. If any companion items/memos are flagged as "Y-Default to Y" or "N-Default to N," you have the option to select any of the companion items/memos available. In the Auto Add section, if any companion items/memos are flagged as "A – Always Add" and any additional companion items/memos are flagged as Y or N, then all items/memos that are A, Y and N are displayed in the SO Companion Item Selection (SOE151) dialog box. A for Automatic Add always adds automatically to the document. If all companions applicable for this order type are flagged as A and there are no Y or N flagged items/memos, then no dialog is displayed and those items/memos are automatically imported into the document (unless there’s an exception that requires user attention, like the item not being setup in a warehouse). If any companion items/memos are flagged as "X – Not Applicable" then they are not displayed in this dialog and are not imported into the actual document. Once the companion items/memos are selected the items are imported into the document.

eCatalog note: When a companion item is added and the Companions to eCatalog check box on Company Control F/M is selected, the system adds a record to the eCatalog log file for the next update to the eCatalog database. There is currently no way to remove a companion item record from eCatalog. However, when a companion item record is deleted, any unprocessed records for this transaction will be removed from the log file. Companion memo lines do not upload to eCatalog.

Limitations and exclusions