Receipt Entry (POE210)

How To

This program allows you to receive purchase orders created through the PO Entry program.

The PO Receipt Entry screen is very similar to the PO Entry screen. In addition to the common header information, PO receipts include a receipt number and receipt date.

In Receipt Entry, purchase orders and backordered purchase orders with a status of "P" or "R" can be received and edited.

Once you receive a purchase order, it is no longer available through the PO Entry program. However, changes to received purchase orders may be made prior to the Receipt Register through this Receipt Entry program.

The PO Receipt Entry and Non-PO Receipt Entry programs allow more than one receipt on a PO without running the PO receipt register in between, based on settings in PO Static Control F/M (POF980). Using the Update feature, when the user (with proper security) accesses the footer, the program provides the option to update the receipt, which adjusts item and warehouse quantities during PO receipt processing. This allows the received items to be sold or shipped immediately. Refer to the PO Receiving Feature: Multiple Receipts on a PO topic for details.

EWMS Processing Note

The Receipt Entry (POE210) program does not allow modifications to the receipts quantities of radio beacon controlled lines. You are allowed to change costs. You are not allowed to enter new stocked items to receipts, but you can enter nonstocked items.

PO Receipt Entry Processing Notes

PO Receipt Entry processing takes place in three main sections: header, items, and footer processing.


During processing, the system automatically displays urgent notes for purchase order headers and lines, vendors and items based on your settings on the Notes tab of PO Entry Options F/M. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from Purchase Order Programs topic for details.

You can enter document notes for existing purchase order headers and lines. PO Document and line notes are available to view/edit (according to the user’s security) for all open documents. You also have the option to print the note on the Purchase Order. When you run the PO Receipt Register, the system copies document notes to the past PO record.

Receiving Purchase Orders for Non-Stock Items Without a Sales Order Tie

During the quantity validation routines, this program checks the Allow Purchase Without SO flag located on the Main view of Warehouse/Item F/M (ICF920). If the flag is set to "No" and the PO receipt is a request for a positive number of non-stock items, then the system displays a message indicating that non-stock items cannot be purchased without a sales order tie. If the flag is set to "Yes" or the request is for a negative amount of non-stock items, the system completes the purchase order receipt processing for the non-stock items without them being tied to a sales order.

PO Receipt Entry Header Processing

The upper portion of the screen is called the header portion where you create receipt numbers. When you enter a valid purchase order number, the system displays information in the header portion of the purchase order and accesses the Receipt numbers field. Refer to the following procedures for more information about PO Receipt Entry header processing:

Creating receipt numbers

Receiving Direct Ship POs

Opening existing documents

Deleting purchase orders receipts

PO Receipt Entry Item Processing

In the item section of this program, you enter received quantities for each line item. A time-saving feature allows the entire order to be received in one step. (This is not available for serial/lot inventory.) Refer to the following procedures for more information about Order Entry item processing:


Add a line

Edit a line item

Delete a line item

Insert a line item or memo

PO Receipt Entry Footer Processing

The footer or ending routine requires some final information (freight and tax) to complete the purchase order receipt. You cannot access the ending routine if you do not enter line items on the PO receipt.

Additional Features

image\bookopen.gif All of the features available in the PO Entry program are also available in the PO Receipt Entry program.

PO Receipt Entry Menu Options

File  Edit  View  Options  Help

See Also

PO Receipt Entry Header Information

PO Receipt Entry Item Information

PO Receipt Entry Footer Information

How to enter or change PO receipt information

How to enter PO receipt header information

How to enter line items on a purchase order receipt

How to enter PO receipt footer information