A "Chain" is for creating a copy of a contract so that the originating contract (the one being copied from) has a ‘next contract’ value of the contract being created and thus the newly copied/chained contract has the originating contract as its ‘previous contract.’ This uses existing copy functionality where, if the contract being copied is a ‘priority contract’ or if the contract is already reviewed then that priority value will be reset (and the user alerted) as well as creating the copy as ‘awaiting review’ (all other values are copied exactly – except for: any last used date, any quote origination number, any existing ‘next-chain’ of the copy-from contract). If any values need to be modified in the newly created/chained contract then select the Edit Contract check box to allow any modifications needed (when you click the OK button) in Contract Entry.
If a contract already has a ‘next contract’ listed then it is not allowed to be copied/chained using this procedure. FACTS displays a message indicating that the desired copy-from-contract must have its ‘next contract’ value removed before it can be chained/copied here.
Field Descriptions
Use the following fields to chain a contract:
1. Contract #
When entering the Chain A Contract program from Contract Maintenance and no line is highlighted in the list view this is blank and all other entries are disabled. You must enter a contract to ‘copy from’ (chain); if the chosen contract already has a ‘next contract’ then FACTS displays a message to break that chain (by removing its ‘next contract value’) before continuing with that contract selection. If a line is highlighted in the list view of Contract Maintenance then that highlighted contract is the default contract shown/displayed in this prompt. That contract/value can be changed if so desired.
2. Description
The description for the new contract. The text defaults to “copy of” plus the description of the originating contract and can be changed. However, the display of a default description depends on there being no description yet entered. If a description is already entered then changing the originating contract will not change the displayed description.
3. Effective
The effective date defaults to 1 day after the entered Contract #’s expiration date. For a copy-from-contract having an expiration date, if the effective date on this screen is changed then FACTS displays a message indicating that the originating contract’s expiration date will be changed to be 1 day before the newly entered effective date.
The effective date, for a contract selected to chain/copy from that has an expiration date of ‘Never,’ will default to ‘the next days date’ (whatever “today’s” date is plus 1) and FACTS displays a message indicating that the contract being copied from will have its expiration date changed to be one day before the defaulted effective date (thus setting the ‘chained/copied from’ contract’s expiration date to whatever is “today”). If the defaulted date is changed FACTS displays a message indicating that the copy-from contract’s expiration date will be changed to be one day before whatever date is entered (as a reminder that a contract which originally has a ‘Never’ expiration date is being changed).
Changing the contract number will redisplay the effective date.
4. Expiration
The expiration date of the newly created/chained contract defaults to 'never' and can be changed to any date other than one equal to or before the entered effective date.
5. Collection
This selection allows you to add this newly created/chained contract to the collection you are working with in Contract Maintenance, to replace the collection you are working with in Contract Maintenance, or neither (to chain/create the contract only and then return to contract maintenance without any change to the collection being worked with).
6. Edit Contract
This check box will, if selected/checked, displays the standard Contract Entry screen to allow any desired modification of the new/chained contract just created.
The contract is created/chained using the values entered. If the ‘edit contract’ check box is selected/checked then you will be able to edit the newly created/chained contract in the standard contract entry screen.
Abort creating a new/chained contract.
See Also