image\FLM_shg.gif General Ledger File Maintenances

File maintenance programs enable you to enter, change and delete account and budget data and create accounts from existing account information.

The following programs are located on the GL File Maintenances menu:

Account F/M (GLF910) , which is used to enter and maintain GL accounts in FACTS.

Budget F/M (GLF920) , which is used to set up and maintain the budget information file.

Duplicate Account Setup (GLU910) , , which is used to create GL account numbers for a new branch and/or department.

You may find that some of these programs are used often, such as Account F/M, while others are only used during initial installation. We refer to this latter group of file maintenances as Infrequent File Maintenance programs, and they are located on their own menu.

See Also

For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.

How to use file maintenance programs

Information for creating accounts

Information for creating budgets for GL account numbers

Information for creating duplicate account numbers