To speed up new item entries, you can create a default item, which serves as a template. If many of your items share common information, this information can be entered in the default item. Then when you create new items from the default, the system automatically enters all the default information for you.
To enter a default item:
When initially accessing the screen, enter S in the item field, the system displays the Default Item window. Enter an existing item number to be set as the default number or press F2 or
to search items.
If you enter an item number the system returns to the item# field and displays the Default Item number. If you enter an item number that is not on file, the system prompts you with "Set defaults from item 'Default Item' for new item 'New Item'?"
If you answer Yes, the system displays the default item's information and you can continue adding the item. If you select No to the default item, the system displays the message: "Record Not Found. Create New Record" and all data fields are empty and ready for entry. The default item can be changed to another item at any time by again selecting "S" and changing the item #.
The default item will remain set until the user either exits Item F/M or select "C" at the Item # prompt to "clear the default item". Even when a default item number is set, you can edit or delete existing items.
Note: When setting up a new item with a default item, the new item takes on all of the default item’s units of measure that have been set up as a default UM for stocking, pricing, selling, costing or buying.
After creating a new record, the following programs automatically open in succession:
If Y is entered to add the record, the system proceeds to the Item/Unit of Measure F/M (ICF915) program so units of measure can be entered for this item. You can access Units of Measure in existing item records by choosing the Add UM button.
After units of measure have been added for this item, the system displays Quick Item Entry (ICF911) if the Quick Entry flag in the Inventory Static Control Record is set to Y. These fields are only available when creating an item. Once an item is entered, these fields are maintained using the costing and pricing programs and the Warehouse/Item F/M Program in the Inventory Control System.
Prior to entering costing and pricing information, please refer to the Costing & Pricing section in the online help Complete the following in the Quick Item Entry (ICF911) program.
1. List Price
Enter the list price per the unit of measure displayed for the item. Press Enter (CR) to default to 0. Press F3 to skip adding the cost/price record and proceeds to Warehouse.
2. Manual Cost Multiplier
Enter the manual cost multiplier per default costing unit of measure for the item. (The basis is automatically set to list price) F1 skips this entry and proceeds to the manual cost amount field (next). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0. Press F3 to skip adding the cost/price record and proceeds to Warehouse.
3. Manual Cost Amount
If a multiplier is entered in the previous field, this field is skipped. Enter the manual cost amount if multiplier was skipped. Press Enter (CR) to default to 0. F3 skips adding the cost/price record and proceeds to Warehouse.
For a default item, after the list price and manual cost has been entered, standard price information is displayed.
A standard price can be added for each unit of measure that is a default unit of measure for any type (pricing, costing, selling, etc.) and is valid for pricing. Complete the following in the Quick Item Entry (ICF911) program.
4. Standard Price Basis
Enter the basis for calculating the standard price per unit of measure displayed: List Price, or Manual Cost. Press F1 to skip the entry of basis and multiplier and go to the price field.
5. Standard Price Multiplier
If basis was not entered in the previous field, this field is skipped. Enter the standard price multiplier for calculating the standard price per unit of measure displayed. Press F1 to skip the entry of basis and multiplier and go to the price field.
6. Standard Price
If basis and multiplier were entered in the previous 2 fields, this field is skipped. Enter the standard price per unit of measure displayed. F3 ends item fields. Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.
7. Comm%
Enter the commission percentage for this standard price UM. Press F1 or
to default to NO PRIORITY.
Level prices can be added for each unit of measure that is a default unit of measure for any type (pricing, costing, selling, etc.) and is valid for pricing. Complete the following in the Quick Item Entry (ICF911) program.
For each price level used by the system, the user may enter the following:
8. Price Level Basis
Enter the basis for calculating the standard price per unit of measure displayed: List Price, Manual Cost, Standard Price or Previous Level #. Press F1 to skip the entry of basis and multiplier and go to the price field.
9. Price Level Multiplier
If basis was not entered in the previous field, this field is skipped. Enter the price level multiplier for calculating the level price per unit of measure displayed. Press F1 to skip the entry of basis and multiplier and go to the price field.
10. Level Price
If basis and multiplier were entered in the previous 2 fields, this field is skipped. Enter the level price per unit of measure displayed. F3 ends item fields. Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.
11. Comm%
Enter the commission percentage for this level price UM. Press F1 or
to default to NO PRIORITY.
Quantity break prices can be added for each unit of measure that is a default unit of measure for any type (pricing, costing, selling, etc.) and is valid for pricing and selling. Complete the following in the Quick Item Entry (ICF911) program.
For each quantity break used by the system, the user may enter the following:
12. Quantity Break
Enter the quantity break per unit of measure displayed.
13. Quantity Break Basis
Enter the basis for calculating the quantity break price per unit of measure displayed: List Price, Manual Cost, Standard Price or Previous Level #. Press F1 to skip the entry of basis and multiplier and go to the price field.
14. Quantity Break Multiplier
If basis was not entered in the previous field, this field is skipped. Enter the quantity break multiplier for calculating the quantity break price per unit of measure displayed. Press F1 to skip the entry of basis and multiplier and go to the price field.
15. Quantity Break Price
If basis and multiplier were entered in the previous 2 fields, this field is skipped. Enter the quantity break price per unit of measure displayed. Press F3 to end item fields. Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.
16. Comm%
Enter the commission percentage for this quantity break. Press F1 or
to default to NO PRIORITY.
Once all prices have been entered for an item, or if at any time the user selects to end costing/pricing entries, prior to moving on to the warehouse entry, the user has the option to edit costing/pricing information entered or change the scope of what costing/pricing information is entered.
After you enter pricing information for the new item, the system displays the Quick Warehouse/Item Entry (ICE912) program so you can enter the new item in the warehouse.