This program is only available to users who did not purchase the AP manual, but want to add vendors through FACTS.
If the AP usage flag is set to Y in System Control F/M, you will not be able to access this program.
Each record contains a vendor number, which serves as the record’s unique ID, and general information relevant to the vendor, including cost class, cost hierarchy, and Use lowest cost setting.
Vendor numbers may be automatically assigned by the system.
Ü You cannot delete vendors with open documents or open purchase orders.
For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:
How to use file maintenance programs
To access this program, choose Inventory Control-->File Maintenances --> Infrequent File Maintenances -->Quick Vendor F/M.
1. Vendor Number
Enter the vendor number (up to 10 characters). F1 assigns the next available vendor number form the AP Nonstatic Control Record. The word NEXT is displayed until all fields have been entered and the actual number is displayed before the record is added to the file. Press F2 or
to search.
2. Vendor Name
Enter the vendor’s name (up to 30 characters).
3. Address 1
Enter line 1 of the vendor’s address (up to 30 characters). If only one line is needed, use the first.
4. Address 2
Enter line 2 of the vendor’s address (up to 30 characters).
5. City
Enter the city name (up to 15 characters).
6. State
Enter the state name using the 2-character designation provided by the post office.
7. Zip Code
Enter the zip code (up to 10 characters).
8. Address 3
Enter line 3 of the vendor’s address (up to 30 characters). Press Enter (CR) to default to the city, state, and zip entered in the previous fields 5-7. Address 3 may be used for international addresses. Address 3 will be used for all printouts instead of city, state and zip.
9. Phone Number 1
Enter the vendor’s phone number including area code, dashes and extension, if needed (up to 17 characters). If only one phone number is needed, use the first.
10. Phone Number 2
Enter the vendor’s second phone number including area code, dashes and extension, if needed (up to 17 characters).
11. Contact 1
Enter the name of the person you work with at the vendor’s office (up to 25 characters). If only one contact is needed, use the first.
12. Contact 2
Enter the name of another person you work with at the vendor’s office (up to 25 characters).
13. Alpha (Alphabetic Sort Key)
Enter the alphabetic sort key to be used to sort vendors alphabetically for printouts, displays and alpha searches (up to 10 characters). In most cases, the first ten characters of the vendor’s name are sufficient to achieve alphabetical lookup. Press Enter (CR) to default to the first ten characters of the vendor’s name as entered in field #2.
Ü Once you’ve completed these fields, indicate whether or not you want to create a Warehouse/Vendor Review Cycle Record. Press Enter (CR) to default to Y. If you enter Y, the Warehouse/Vendor Review Cycle F/M (ICF945) program appears.
After you’ve completed all the fields in this program and click Save, the system asks you if you want to create a Warehouse/Vendor Review Cycle record. Click OK to create the record or Cancel to skip the option.