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Use this program to create and maintain warehouse information that is referenced by programs in Inventory Control, Sales Orders, Manufacturing Control, Purchase Orders and Equipment Rental modules.
Items are entered in warehouses in order to maintain on hand, committed, backorder and on order quantities.
This program also includes several flags that are necessary for integrating Clippership, a third-party shipping package, and CodeLight, the FACTS bar coding module.
Ü A warehouse cannot be deleted if it is used in the Equipment Rental System.
For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:
How to use file maintenance programs
To access this program, choose Inventory Control-->File Maintenances --> Infrequent File Maintenances -->Warehouse F/M.
1. Warehouse
Enter a two-character code to represent the warehouse you are setting. Press F2 or
to search of existing codes. The warehouse code is always in view regardless of which tab you have selected.
Use the fields on the main screen to set up general information for each warehouse code.
2. Description
Enter the full name of the warehouse (up to 30 characters). Throughout the FACTS system, the warehouse code description, or an abbreviated version of it, displays next to all warehouse code fields after you enter a warehouse code. The description also prints on many of the system reports and prints.
3. Address-1
Enter the first line of the warehouse address (up to 30 characters).
4. Address-2
Enter the second line of the warehouse address (up to 30 characters).
5. Address-3
Enter the third line of the warehouse address (up to 30 characters). If only two lines are needed, you can skip this field.
6. K (Carrying) Cost %
Enter the inventory carrying cost percentage for this warehouse (0-99). K cost is always expressed as a percent and is used in several calculations to help determine how much of an item to buy. The K cost represents the cost of carrying (storing, tax, insurance, etc.) items. Press Enter (CR) to default to 30%.
7. R (Replenishment Cycle) Cost ($)
Enter the replenishment cycle cost for this warehouse (.01-99.99). R cost is always expressed as a dollar figure and is used in the cost of ordering items. The R cost represents the cost of buying or replenishing (computer time, purchasing, receiving, paying the invoice) items. Press Enter (CR) to default to 5.00
8. MC (Movement Class) Last Set
Enter the date the movement class was last set. Press Enter (CR) to default to 010100, which is the first date the system has on record. This field is maintained by the optional update of the Movement Class Report.
9. UPS Shipper Number
Enter the UPS shipper number for this warehouse (up to 10 characters). This number prints on all shipping label print programs in Sales Orders and on the Manifest Print.
10. Branch
Enter the branch for this warehouse. Press F2 to search of existing branches. This establishes the default branch in any programs that require a warehouse code. For example: In Sales Orders, you assign Branch number 05 to warehouse 01. When you enter warehouse 01 on an order, the system automatically enters 05 in the Branch field. Press Enter (CR) to default to the branch assigned to the terminal.
Options Screen
1. Valid for PO (purchase orders)
Indicate whether purchase orders can be created from the warehouse? In GUI, select or deselect the box.
An example of a warehouse where the flag is set to N is a branch warehouse (store) that only receives goods from the central stocking warehouse. Press Enter (CR) to default to Y.
2. Valid for SO (sales orders)
Indicate whether sales orders can be created from the warehouse, eCatalog and eStorefront Select or deselect the box.
An example of a warehouse where the flag is set to unselected is a central stocking warehouse that does not sell directly to customers but only stocks branch warehouses (stores). Press Enter (CR) to default to selected.
eCatalog Processing Note: When an item warehouse record is suspended, the product can no longer be ordered from that warehouse and the item will not be displayed in eStorefront if this is the only warehouse that the customer can order from.
If the AT module is used, you cannot change this checkbox from selected to unselected for an existing warehouse. The reason for this is that all items would have to have the "allow web purchase" set to "unselected" in the ICWHSE records for this warehouse.
If the AT module is used and this field is changed from "unselected" to "selected", then the "Allow Web Purchase" field in Warehouse/Item F/M will be available for the user to change as needed. When the allow Allow Web Purchase is changed either in Warehouse/Item F/M or Transfer/Change Item Codes, the system writes a record to the log file for uploading to eCatalog.
3. Combine Warehouse/Direct Shipments
Indicate whether you want to allow a combination of multiple warehouses and direct shipments on the same order. Press Enter (CR) to default to N.
4. Orders From Other Warehouses
Indicate whether you want to allow other warehouses to ship from this warehouse. Enter N (or deselect the box) if you want to prevent other warehouses from creating or change line items in this warehouse or committing quantities from it. Enter Y (or select the box) if you want to allow users from other warehouses to create or change line items in this warehouse. If you select Y, you must also set Commit By Other Warehouses flag in the Warehouse/Item F/M to Y-Allow Commit by other Warehouses or A-Allow Commit with Approval. If Y is entered here, the Multi-Warehouse Sets pop-up box (see below) appears and you can add multiple warehouse information.
5. Allow Manual Freight
If this flag is set to Yes, FACTS allows you to override Clippership freight calculations. If No is selected in this prompt, FACTS only allows Clippership freight calculations on documents where a Clippership carrier was entered in the Ship Via field. This flag affects all prompts where freight charges are entered. Press Enter (CR) to default to Y.
6. Print Direct Ship on Pick
Indicate whether you want to print direct ship lines on the initiating warehouse pick ticket.
Select the User button to display Warehouse Code F/M, which is to manage whether users have authorization to initiate orders from a warehouse and ship orders from warehouses.
Select the Ship Via button to display Warehouse Transfers Ship Via F/M (ICE972) which is used to set up "from" and "to" warehouse default ship via combinations that will be used in the Transfer Entry programs. When a new transfer is created, the ship via will be set according to this matrix.
7. Pick Ticket Item Spacing
Select 0-None, 1-One, 2-Two, or 3-Three to specify a number of blank lines to print, between items (acting as a separator), on a pick ticket. This field setting only applies to pick ticket prints initiated from the selected warehouse and selected to print as ‘Separate pick ticket’, or ‘Both’, on the Multiple Warehouses tab field for Print Pick Ticket; if ‘Consolidated’ is the selected option, then the Pick Ticket Item Spacing field on the ‘Options’ tab is disabled (retaining any value previously set). Note that blank lines also do not separate items that are BOM component items, nor serial lots.).
8. Commission Priority
Indicate the priority to give sales orders or transfers during the Commit Back Order Quantities. You can select from: T—transfers, S—sales orders.
In the eStorefront Pickup Location section of the screen, complete the pickup ship via and pickup tax code for the warehouse if it has a pickup location in eStoreFront:
9. Ship Via
Enter the eStorefront pickup location ship via code. Press F2 or to search.
10. Tax Code
Enter the tax code to use for the eStorefront pickup location. Press F2 or to search.
Processing Note for Orders Imported from eStorefront
When the order comes into FACTS with the ship-to name starting as "PICK UP" and the ship via that is sent from eStorefront is replaced with the pickup location ship via from the initiating warehouse of the order (eStorefront currently only allows for a single shipping warehouse). The system creates a temporary ship-to using the ship-to information from eStorefront and uses the tax code from the warehouse record on the order.
If either the ship via or the tax code are invalid, the order is rejected and the system does not attempt to determine some other values for these fields.
When a pickup location is selected, the warehouse’s name and address are put into the ship-to name and address fields on the order. The name is preceded by "PICK UP" and the ship-to name and address fields are then not able to be changed by the user. The ship via field is removed from the checkout screen.
The options available on this tab control various multiple warehouse features for the selected warehouse. If the fields on this tab appear grayed out, it means the Orders from other Warehouses flag is turned off on the Main tab.
1. Pick Ticket Print
For orders created or initiated from this warehouse, select the format in which the pick ticket should print. Select
S to print separate pick tickets for each shipping warehouse. Each warehouse only sees items that they need to ship on their tickets.
C to print consolidated pick tickets. All items are consolidated on to one pick ticket, but they are sorted by shipping warehouse.
B to print both. A consolidated pick ticket prints at the initiating warehouse, and separate pick tickets print at each of the shipping warehouses.
2. Approval User Code
Note: The Approval User Code field and the approval process for releasing an item so that it can be shipped from this warehouse has been enabled for all users, unless the option to allow items shipped from other warehouses is set to No or the SO Static F/M flag Use Multiple Warehouses in SO is set to No.
Designate users responsible for releasing an item so that it can be shipped from this warehouse. Enter one user code per warehouse. User codes are three characters long.
User codes should already exist in the system. (See System Management-->Security System-->User Code F/M)
Users have the authority to
3. Approval Password
Note: The Approval User Password field and the approval process for releasing an item so that it can be shipped from this warehouse is available for all users and all passwords, unless the option to allow items shipped from other warehouses is set to No or the Sales Orders Static F/M flag Use Multiple Warehouses is set to No.
Create a password that users must enter to approve items for shipping from this warehouse and to access warehouse security programs. The password can be up to six characters long.
Note that this password is and should be different from the password assigned in User Code F/M.
4. Allow Suggested POS
Indicate whether other warehouses can create suggested purchase orders for this warehouse.
5. Ship Warehouse Percentage
Enter what percentage of the sale to credit to this warehouse if it ships an item on an order initiated in another warehouse. If you enter 0, FACTS credits 100% of the sale to the initiating warehouse when it posts to GL and Sales Analysis.
This tab contains controls related to CodeLight and Clippership.
1. Use Clippership
This flag tells FACTS if the warehouse selected is using Clippership to get freight calculations or if it is using the default FACTS shipping system. Select Yes to use Clippership or No to use the FACTS shipping system. (Note: The default shipping system in FACTS is no longer approved by UPS.)
2. Transmit to Clippership
This flag enables you to temporarily suspend communications between FACTS and the Clippership station, which may be useful if the Clippership station goes offline for some reason.
If such a situation occurs, select No to stop transmitting data to the shipping package and continue working in FACTS. To begin transmitting information again, set this flag to Yes.
Note: Once you turn off transmission, real-time freight calculations in Quote Entry, change request processing and rate shop display options are not available.
3. Clippership timeout
This prompt tells FACTS how long it should wait for Clippership’s response on freight calculations. You can enter up to 999 seconds; however three to eight seconds is usually sufficient. (Clippership response time will vary depending on your hardware and network connections.)
4. Clippership Polling Directory
The path name entered in this prompt tells FACTS where to look for Clippership information (delivered in flat files). Enter a full path name, such as M:\Clipship\Poll\. Make sure the path ends in a trailing slash.
Note: If the polling directory is set up on someone’s workstation, performance may suffer. Aperum recommends that you put the Clippership polling directory a standalone computer. See the Clippership section in the Installation manual.
This tab contains controls related to Radio Beacon’s EMWS software.
1. Use in IC
Indicate whether to use EWMS in the Inventory Control module.
2. Use in PO
Indicate whether to use EWMS in the Purchase Orders module.
3. Use in SO
Indicate whether to use EWMS in the Sales Order module.
4. Use in MC
Indicate whether to use EWMS in the Manufacturing Control module.
5. Print Paper Ticket
Indicate whether to print a paper ticket for EWMS-generated orders.
6. Download Directory
Enter a directory path to store download files. If the directory does not exist it will be created.
7. Upload Directory
Enter a directory path to store upload files. If the directory does not exist it will be created.
8. Archive Directory
Enter a directory path to store archive files. If the directory does not exist it will be created.
9. Include Zones
Enter a string of Radio Beacon zones that belong to this warehouse.
10. Exclude Zones
Enter a string of Radio Beacon zones that should be excluded from this warehouse.