1. To access this program, choose Inventory Control-->Physical Inventory -->Physical Inventory Update.
2. In the Order field, select from the preset options include Item number, Alpha sort, Vendor number, item Class, Location or Movement class. The order choice automatically appears on the screen as set in the inventory static control record.
3. In the Beginning Order Choice field, enter the beginning order choice to update. Press
to default to First. Press F2 or
to search.
4. In the Ending Order Choice field, enter the ending order choice to update. Press
to default to Last. Press F2 or
to search.
5. In the Item Type field, enter the type of item to update: Stocked and/or Nonstocked. Press Enter (CR) to default to SN.
6. In the Warehouse field, enter the warehouse to update. The entry must be a valid warehouse code. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to the terminal.
7. In the Days To Next Inventory field, enter the number of days until the next physical inventory (0-999). The system calculates and displays the date based on the number of days entered. Press Enter (CR) to default to 90.
8. In the Discrepancy Report field, indicate whether the Discrepancy Report has been printed for the items to be updated. If you do not select this checkbox, a message is displayed and the program exits. If you select this checkbox selected, the program proceeds to the next field
9. The system displays a message telling how many records were updated. Press OK on the message to exit the program