Use this program to print count sheets on which inventory takers can use to record their physical inventory counts. Depending on how the Physical Inventory Order prompt is set in IC Static Control F/M, count sheets can be printed in item, alpha, vendor class, item class, (bin) location or movement class order.
After printing count sheets, if the quantities are to be captured immediately, you can tell the system to automatically run the Capture Quantities program.
Count sheets print out item numbers and descriptions, locations and a blank line to enter the count followed by the stocking unit of measure. The current available or on hand quantity may be printed (if available or on hand quantities are counted). The program also prints a line where the inventory takers can sign their names. The count sheet also provides the total number of items listed.
IC Static Control Physical Count Order Other Than Location:
When the count sheets are printed and the Physical Inventory Order setting on the IC Static Control F/M is not location, the system prints the items in the selected sort order with the item’s primary location on the main line. If the item is not a serial or lot item and has alternate locations set up, the system prints additional lines immediately after for each, with the alternate location, a count line and the stocking unit of measure. The additional location lines maintain their ordinal value, so alternate location 1 will be on the 2nd print line and alternate location 2 on the 3rd print line and so forth. If the item is a serial or lot item and has alternate locations, the system prints one line showing all the alternate locations immediately after the main item line and no count lines print for the alternate locations. Then, the system prints the serial/lot lines.
IC Static Control Physical Count Order Is Location:
When you select Location as the Physical Inventory Order and the Items Included is set to Primary, items are included in physical inventory processing based on the location range you enter in the Print Count Sheets program. This setting determines whether the location range searches for items in primary locations only (including alternate bin locations set up in the warehouse/item record) or all locations present for a warehouse/item record.
When an item is contained in any bin location in the range of the locations selected, the system includes all locations for the item (whether it is in the range or not) to ensure that the physical count sheet is accurate.
When the count sheets are printed and the Physical Inventory Order setting on the IC Static Control F/M is location, the items are selected based the Locations Included setting in the IC Static Control F/M. If "Primary Location in Range Chosen" is selected and the item’s primary location is within the range entered, the item is selected. If the flag is set to "Any Location in Range Chosen", the system compares all of an item’s locations to the range entered. If any location, primary or alternate, is within the range, the item is selected. The system prints a line for the selected item’s primary and alternate locations, each in the proper location sort order. Only the primary location prints the on hand or committed quantity if selected. If the item is a serial or lot item, all serial/lot numbers will print under the primary location and only "available" serial/lot numbers will print under the alternate locations.
To access this program, choose Inventory Control-->Physical Inventory -->Print Count Sheets.
1. Order
The order choice defaults to the option selected in the Physical Inventory Order control in the IC Static Control F/M (see the Physical Inventory & Printing tab). To change the order in which count sheets print, you must change the Physical Inventory Order in IC Static Control. The order options are Item number, Alpha sort, Vendor, item Class, Location or Movement class.
Ü Before you make any changes to the IC Static Control F/M, consult with your local FACTS Affiliate. Changes to static control programs can adversely affect the way the system processes company data.
2. Beginning Order Choice
Select the beginning order choice to print. Press
to default to First. Press F2 or
to search.
3. Ending Order Choice
Select the ending order choice to print. Press
to default to Last. Press F2 or
to search.
4. Item Type
Enter the type of item to print: Stocked items and/or Nonstocked items. Press Enter (CR) to default to SN.
5. Warehouse
Enter the warehouse to print. The entry must be a valid warehouse code. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press F2 or
to search.
6. Item description
Enter whether to print item description 1, 2, or Both from Item F/M. Press Enter (CR) to default to 1.
7. Cutoff Date
Enter the next physical inventory cutoff date. Items with the next physical inventory date (as set through the Warehouse/Item F/M) on or before the date entered are printed. Press Enter (CR) or
to default to the system date.
8. Available Or On Hand
Indicate whether to print current available or on hand quantities (determined in the inventory static control record) on the count sheets. Press Enter (CR) to default to unselected.
9. Skip
Enter the number of lines to skip between items (0-9). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.
10. Check count sheet. Ok to capture counts now?
Verify count sheets. Enter YES or N to indicate whether to capture counts at this time. If N is entered, counts may be captured through the Capture Quantities program at a later time.
Editing the order, range and properties stored in templates
Setting printer properties in templates
Using print options in reports
Setting a default printer using templates topics
Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)
Register formats and procedures
Reports and Prints Menu Options