Use this program to print a report of all invoices received and entered into the Purchase Orders Invoice Receipts system. The optional update removes printed records from the period invoice receipts file.
You have the option to:
Select the print order - vendor or item.
Select the beginning and ending order choice.
Select the period to print.
Select branch to print.
Report information includes the following:
Printed in vendor order: for each vendor, vendor number, name, document number, date and line number. Each line-item includes purchase order number, item number, description, units, cost and extension. The total number of vendors listed is also included.
Printed in item number order: the same information is included, grouped by item. The total number of items listed is also included, grouped by item. The total number of items listed is also included.
Ü If you cannot access this report, the Use Period Receiving Report flag in the PO Static Control F/M is not selected. Speak with your Affiliate before activating this report or changing any other settings in this F/M.
Access this program by choosing Purchase Orders -->End of Period -->Period Invoice Receipts Report.
1. Order
Enter whether to print the report by V-vendor or I-item. (Printing in item number order requires extra time for the sorting of records.) The program defaults to Vendor.
2. Beginning Order Choice
Select the beginning order choice to print. Press F1 or to default to FIRST. Press F2 or
to search.To access the update, choose FIRST.
3. Ending Order Choice
Select the ending order choice to print. Press F1 or to default to LAST. Press F2 or
to search. To access the update, choose LAST.
4. Period
Enter the period to print (PPYY). Press F1 or to default to the current purchase orders period.
5. Branch
Enter the branch to print. The entry must be a valid branch. The program defaults to the branch assigned to the terminal. Press F2 or to search. Press F3 or
to default to ALL.
6. Remove all records for period just printed?
Once the report prints, indicate whether you want to remove the listed records.