Use the Vendor/Item F/M program to create, store and maintain information on items purchased from each vendor. You can enter information for this program on the General and History screens.
This program is most useful when you want to create individual records. If you need to create large groups of records for a vendor or an item, you can save time by using the Create Vendor/Item Records program.
Information in the Vendor/Item F/M includes vendor number, item number, vendor-item number, lead time, manual and last costs and last purchase order number and date. Also stored is the number of units purchased, number of units returned, dollar amount purchased, dollar amount returned, number of receipts and average days late for the MTD, YTD and PYR.
The Receipt Register updates the MTD, YTD and PYR information. You can quickly access the information entered through this program in the PO Vendor Inquiry program, the Vendor/Item Listing and the Vendor/Item History Report.
NOTE: Only records created through this program or the Create Vendor/Item Records program will be updated as to MTD, YTD and PYR through the Receipt Register. Therefore, you must create all needed vendor-item combination records in the vendor/item file prior to beginning normal purchase order operations.
Access this program by choosing Purchase Orders -->File Maintenances -->Vendor/Item F/M.
1. Warehouse
Enter the warehouse code. The entry must be a valid warehouse. Press F2 or
to search. The program defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal.
2. Vendor Number
Enter the vendor number for this record. Press F2 or
to search. Press F3 or
to display the first record for the selected warehouse.
3. Cost Class
Enter the valid cost class associated with this vendor. Press F2 or
to search. Press F1 or
to enter "None".
4. Item Number
Enter a valid item number or the item interchange number for this record. The system displays the description, costing unit of measure and buying unit of measure. Press F2 or to search. Press F3 or
to display the first record for the selected vendor in the selected warehouse.
5. Vendor-Item Number
If the vendor uses an item code other than the item number to identify this item, enter the vendor-item number (up to 20 characters). You can print this number on the purchase order along with the IC item number. If the vendor is listed in the inventory item file as the primary vendor for this item, the vendor-item number stored in that file is displays as the default value.
6. Manual Cost
Enter the manual cost for this item. Press Enter to default to the cost stored for that item in the item file.
7. Last PO Number
Enter the last purchase order number from this vendor (up to 12 numbers).
8. Last Units
Enter number of units last purchased from this vendor.
9. Last Cost
Enter the most recent cost incurred for this item. If this vendor is listed in the inventory item file as the primary vendor for this item, the system displays the last cost stored for the item as the default value. If this is not the primary vendor, no default value is displayed.
10. Last Date
Enter the date of the most recent purchase of this item from this vendor. If this vendor is listed in the item file as the primary vendor for this item, the system displays the last purchase date stored with the item in the inventory file as the default value.
11. Lead Time
Enter the number of days of lead time required by this vendor (0-999). If this vendor is listed in the inventory item file as the primary vendor for this item, the system displays the lead time stored in the vendor file for this vendor as the default value.
At this point, you can stop entering information and allow normal processing to update the remaining fields for this program. You can press F3 to save the record to the vendor-item file.
When the system initially prompts for each time period (MTD, YTD, PYR), you can again stop entering information and allow normal processing to update the remaining fields for this program. You can then press F3 to save the record to the vendor-item file. Otherwise the system displays the History screen of the Vendor/Item F/M program. You can enter information in the following fields:
Note: The Warehouse, Item and Vendor fields (1-3) remain at the top of the screen for reference.
4. Units Purchased
Enter the number of units of this item purchased from this vendor so far this month (0-9,999,999). This number should be based on the displayed buying unit of measure.
5. Units Returned
Enter the number of units of this item returned to this vendor so far this month (0-9,999,999). The program initially defaults to 0.
6. Dollars Purchased
Enter the dollar amount of this item purchased from this vendor so far this month (0-99,999,999.99). The program initially defaults to 0.
7. Dollars Returned
Enter the dollar amount of this item returned to this vendor so far this month (0-99,999,999.99). The program initially defaults to 0.
8. Number Of Receipts
Enter the number of purchase orders received from this vendor so far this month (0-999). The program initially defaults to 0.
9. Average Days Late
Enter the average number of days late in receiving purchase orders containing this item from this vendor so far this month (0-9999). The program initially defaults to 0.
For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.