This program contains a number of settings that affect how the SA module operates; it is critical to how Sales Analysis functions.
CAUTION: Infor™ strongly recommends that administrators password-protect this program. Changes should be made only with extreme caution and under the supervision of your Affiliate.
To enter a new SA static control record, click
New; to modify an existing SA static control record, simply click the field you want to change. Click
Save to save your changes to the SA static control record.
To remove the SA static control record, click
Delete. Click
Exit to return to the SA Infrequent File Maintenances menu.
1. Branch Data
Indicate whether to store multiperiod sales information by branch. If unselected, the Branch Multiperiod Analysis is not available. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
2. Commission Data
Indicate whether to store commission information. If unselected, the Commission Report is not available on the system. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
3. Customer/Item Class Data
Indicate whether to store multiperiod sales information by customer/item class. If unselected, the following reports are not available on the system: the Item Class/Customer and the Customer/Item Class Analysis. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
4. Customer/Item Data
Indicate whether to store multiperiod sales information by customer/item. If unselected, the following reports are not available on the system: the Customer/Item Multiperiod Analysis and the Item/Customer Multiperiod Analysis. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
5. Customer Data
Indicate whether to store multiperiod sales information by customer. If unselected, the Customer Multiperiod Analysis is not available on the system. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
6. Item Class Data
Indicate whether to store multiperiod sales information by item class. If unselected, the Item Class Multiperiod Analysis is not available. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
7. Item Data
Indicate whether to store multiperiod sales information by item. If unselected, the Item Multiperiod Analysis is not available. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
8. Item/Invoice Data
Indicate whether to store current period sales information by item/invoice. If unselected, the Current Period Item/Invoice Report is not available. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
9. Item/Warehouse Data
Indicate whether to store multiperiod sales information by item/warehouse. If unselected, the Item/Warehouse Multiperiod Analysis is not available. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
10. Item/Lots Data
Indicate whether to store sales information by lots. If unselected, the Item Lots Report is not available. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
11. Temporary Item Data
Indicate whether to store sales information by temporary items. If unselected, the Temporary Item Report is not available. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
12. Serial Item Data
Indicate whether to store sales information by serial number. If unselected, the Serial Item Report is not available. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
13. Salesperson/Territory Data
Indicate whether to store sales information by salesperson/territory. If unselected, the Salesperson/Territory Multiperiod Analysis is not available. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
14. Salesperson/Item Class Data
Indicate whether to store sales information by salesperson/item class. If unselected, the Salesperson/Item Class Analysis is not available. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
If you change any of the following flags from unselected to selected or select them if they are deselected, the corresponding reports become available in the system. Make sure the number of records for the file is adequate to handle information to be posted. If you change them from selected to unselected, or deselect them if they are selected, the corresponding reports are no longer available and the number of records may be reduced to 1.
1. Period Descriptions
Enter the string of 3-character period descriptions that are to print on multiperiod reports beginning with the first month of the fiscal year. The total number of characters entered must equal 3 x the number of periods per year. The description chosen is user-defined. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to the first three letters of each month for a 12-period year (JANFEBMAR...).
In the Commissions section of the screen, enter processing parameters for fields 2-6.
2. Calculate commissions
Enter whether to calculate commissions by S-sales or G-gross margin. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to S.
3. Post Status
Enter whether to initially post commissions into the commission file as P-paid already or H-hold not yet paid. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to P. If H is entered, the Flag Commissions for Payment program must be run prior to running each Commission Report.
4. Post summary
indicate whether to post commissions in summary only, i.e., post without line-items. If Y is entered, the Commission Report may not print in detail, i.e., print line-items. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.
5. Cost Basis
Enter the commission cost basis for Sales Analysis purposes. You can select from: S-Sales Orders Cost, M-Manual Cost, A-Average Cost, or L-Last Cost.
6. Post temporary Items
Indicate whether to post temporary item sales by the item classes temporary posting item. In inventory, each item class may have a temporary posting item assigned. When a temporary item is sold, it is assigned an item class. The sales of that temporary item are then posted to the temporary posting item assigned to that item class. If Y is entered, all sales of temporary items are posted to all the multiperiod files by the temporary item number. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
7. Post by ship-to
Indicate whether to post customer information by ship-to. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.
8. Post Warranty Replacements
Indicate whether to post pro-rated warranty replacements to Sales Analysis. This flag initially defaults to selected. It refers to posting sales generated from warranty replacement items from the Customer Returns System, where the item was under warranty but the coverage was less than 100%. For example, if the price of an item is $100 (cost of $80) but is only under warranty for 50%, the customer would be charged $50. When this flag is set to selected, the $50 would be posted to Sales Analysis as a sale with $80 posted as the cost.
9. SA Cost Basis
Enter the Sales Analysis cost basis. You can select from: S-Sales Order Cost, M-Manual Cost, A-Average Cost, or L-Last Cost. Press F4 to backup.