The line-item portion of the program allows the entry of up to 999 line item and message lines to complete the order. Line numbers are assigned automatically beginning with 001 and increments by one for each individual line item up to 999. In the rare case where 999 line items have been entered on a single order, the program proceeds to the selection prompt and refuses further entries.
Tip: When you press Enter or Tab when entering quote information, the additional fields that appear, such as Ship Via Code, an inside salesperson code, etc., depend on the settings selected in SO Entry Options F/M. This procedure details all possible entries. Most of these entries already display default information; you can modify these values.
This window contains all the possible fields for Direct Invoice Entry items processing. Use the following field descriptions to confirm information for an order line item. Depending on the confirmation method you choose, you can enter different information on this screen. Refer to the Choosing a confirmation method topic for details.
1. Item number
Enter an item number manually or press F2 or the
icon to select one from the Item Search.
If you enter a temporary item or a catalog item, the system displays additional field fields. Refer to the Temporary and Catalog Item Entry topic for field details.
If you enter a standard part number, the system uses the unit of measure (UM) from the Standard Part Number record as the default selling UM instead of the default selling UM in the Item F/M record. If you select not to use the standard part number UM or the standard part number UM is blank or not a valid selling UM for the item, then the system uses the standard default UM for the item.
TIP: For detailed information about entering serial/lot items refer to the Entering serial/lot items topic.
Enter M to enter a memo line.
Choose the Options menu to access Catalog Item Search, Customer Item Search, Past Sales Search, and several other searches.
Choose the Options menu to access Import Items, which allows you import items from existing documents (quotes, orders or past invoices) This feature allows you to easily duplicate on one document (a quote, order or invoice) the line items on another document (quote, order or past invoice). Policy flags set in the Document Import Control F/M (SOF972) indicate whether or not you can duplicate lines from a document for a different customer and how the pricing gets updated when the import occurs. The system allows you to select the document type, reference number and default pricing option (if applicable) and then displays the Import Item Selection dialog box, so you can select the items to import to the new document.
Choose the View menu to access Item Interchanges.
When you enter an item number, the system displays the Gross Margin for the item in the GM% field. If you modify the pricing and unit cost for the item, the system updates this value.
2. Discount %
The percentage by which to discount this item. The program automatically calculates the equivalent dollar amount discounted. It also multiplies the dollar amount by the ordered quantity and displays the discount extension to the right.
3. Taxable
Indicates whether this item is taxable. The program defaults to the Taxable setting in the item’s master file (see Item F/M).
4. DS
Indicate if the item is a direct ship. Refer to the How to designate items for direct ship topic for details.
Select the DS box in the line item entry section.
5. Whs
The system displays the warehouse selected on the sales order. You can modify this value, or press F2 or the
icon to search other warehouses to display the Search Warehouses window containing warehouses that have the item, along with the available, on hand, committed, on order, backordered and surplus quantities for the unit of measure selected.
6. Ordered
Enter the customer's requested quantity.
Press F2 or the
icon to change the unit of measure on the ordered quantity.
If the quantity entered exceeds the available inventory in the selected warehouse, the program gives you the option to accept the quantity anyway or press F2 or the
icon to search other warehouses.
The Search Warehouses window displays the warehouses that have the item, along with the available, on hand, committed, on order, backordered and surplus quantities for the unit of measure selected.
Select a warehouse. This creates a suggested warehouse transfer. Make sure you backorder the item.
7. Committed
Enter a quantity to commit in the warehouse or accept the default. This field defaults to the quantity ordered, if that quantity is available in the selected warehouse.
8. Shipped
Enter the quantity shipped to the customer.
9. Backordered
Enter a backordered quantity if the quantity ordered is greater than the available quantity in the selected warehouse.
When you enter a backordered quantity, Sales Order Entry programs base suggested document creation on the Stock, NonStocked, Uninventoried, and Temporary prompts in Sugg PO/TR by Type section on the Line Prompt tab of SO Entry Options F/M (SOF915). Use these settings to indicate whether you want to have the system ask to create suggested purchase orders or suggested transfers by item type during Order Entry line processing. Refer to the Suggested Transfer/Purchase Order Creation from Sales Order Entry Programs topic for detailed information about creating suggested warehouse transfer or purchase orders for backordered quantities.
The program skips this field if:
The customer does not allow backorders (Allow backorders flag not selected in AR Customer F/M).
Your company does not allow backorders (Allow backorders flag not selected in SO Static Control F/M).
The item is a direct ship.
The selected warehouse has enough inventory to fill the order.
Ü If the backordered and committed quantities do not add up to the ordered quantity, the entry program resets the ordered quantity to the sum of the committed plus backordered.
10. Price
Enter a price. You can press F3 or the
icon to select one from the Price Search window.
The T column in the browser refers to the price type for the item.
The values in this column represent the following price types:
List Price: T,
Level Price: L#,
Qty Break Price: Q#,
Standard Price: S,
Contract Price: C,
User Override Price: U,
where # gets replaced by the level number or the quantity break level number.
Press F2 or the
icon to change the unit of measure on the price selection.
A letter appears after the pricing UM to indicate which pricing option you selected.
If the Price Options window is open enter once of the following in the Price field to import the corresponding price:
S-Standard, C-Contract, D-Default, T-List, L-Last, L#-Price level, Q#-Quantity break, U-user override – you keyed in a price.
To access the Price Options window, select View and make sure a check appears next to Price Options.
11. Unit Cost
The unit cost for the item display as the default. You can modify this value.
If the item is designated as having companion items, the system displays the Companion Item Selection (SOE151) screen. Refer to the Companion Item Selection (SOE151) topic for details.
12. Press F3 (End Entries) to complete an entry in the line-item portion of the Order Entry program.
Select the
icon to stop entering line items. Refer to the Stopping Confirmation topic for details.
The line number is incremented by one, displayed, and the program returns to the item field for the next line-item entry.
You have the following options:
Select the Deposits button to access to the Deposit/Payment Entry window. Refer to the Deposit/Payment Entry topic for details.
Select the Header button to access the Header Detail for Documents screen, which is used to view and/or modify warehouse, shipping information, request and order dates, and salesperson, freight, terms and ship via codes.
Highlight a line item and select the Line Detail button to access the Line Detail for Documents screen, which is used to view and/or modify item descriptions, quantity and shipping information, costing, and PO information.
Select the
icon to access Note Entry (SME710) for the direct invoice header record specified in the program.
Select the
icon to access Note Entry (SME710) for the customer specified in the program.
Select the
icon to access Note Entry (SME710) for direct invoice line records in the line item browser.
Select the
icon to access Note Entry (SME710) for the item highlighted in line item browser.
Select the
icon to make changes for the highlighted line item.
Select the
icon to add a quote line.
Select the
icon to delete the highlighted quote line.
Select the
button to add a line item above the highlighted item in the browser.
Press the
icon to save your changes.