This program prints and reprints bills of lading (BOLs) on demand. The BOL must comply with the rules determined by the DOT for transporting hazardous materials. For more information on hazardous materials and regulations, please refer to the DOT’s Hazardous Materials Guide.
BOL print properties are determined in the SO Document Print Control F/M, including whether the form is preprinted, whether to print hazardous materials only, and whether to print item weights.
If you are printing BOLs for sales orders, transfer tickets or current invoices, all BOLs that are ready to print will do so through this program. If you are printing BOLs for past invoices, you have to specify which past invoice that you want to print.
The following information appears on the BOL:
For each item that is deemed hazardous, the following appears:
The following must be manually entered on the BOL:
1. Warehouse
Select the shipping warehouse for which to print BOLs. Enter up to 20 two-character codes side by side. Press
or F3 to default to ALL. Press
or F2 to search.
2. Route
This field is disabled if the Use Routes flag is deselected in SO Static Control. Enter up to 18 three-character route codes side by side for which documents are to be printed. Only valid route codes are accepted. Question marks are used as wild cards, i.e., entry of the first two route characters and a question mark displays all routes beginning with those two characters. Press
or F2 to search.
3. Doc Type
Enter whether to print a bill of lading for S (sales order document) or T (warehouse transfers). The program defaults to Sales order documents.
4. Current Or Past
This field only appears if S was entered in the previous field. Enter whether to print C (current) current sales orders or P (past) past sales orders. The program defaults to Current.
5. Document
This field only displays if S was entered at field #3 and C was entered in the previous field. Enter the document number for which to print. The program defaults to ALL.
6. Invoice
This field only displays if S was entered at field #3 and P was entered at field #4. Enter the invoice number for which to print. Only one BOL for one invoice prints at a time. Press
or F3 to default to ALL. Press
or F2 to search. Press
or F4 to remove the last entry.
7. Ticket
This field only displays if T was entered at field #3. Enter the warehouse transfer ticket number for which to print. The program defaults to ALL.