Use the Service and Repair Invoices menu to record the service time spent on each service ticket. Once the ticket has been updated with the necessary details, the service ticket can be closed and a service invoice can be printed.
1. Use one of the following program to enter service time against a specific service ticket:
Service Time Entry is useful in situations where several technicians worked on a ticket.
Technician Time Entry allows technicians to enter time against multiple tickets in a quick and efficient manner.
2. Once time is entered against tickets, run the Service Time Register to post the time entered against each ticket.
3. Run the Service Ticket Close program to ensure that the service ticket has been updated with the repair parts that were used. The service ticket can be printed through this program.
4. Print service tickets individually or in batches using Service Invoice Print. Service invoices can be printed/reprinted as often as necessary up until the SO Daily Sales Register is updated.