Quote Entry (SOE110)

How To

Use this program to enter customer quotes into the Sales Orders system and then convert them into open orders. You can also use this program to modify or correct quotes.

Quote Entry Processing Details

Quote Entry consists of three sections: the header, where the customer number, quote date, quoted by, and so on are entered; the line-item entry where each item, price and quantity is entered; and the ending routine (or footer), which consists of the final fields prior to completion of the quote. The screen is designed to look like a printed invoice.

You have the option of printing quotes after you create them, or you can batch print quotes by using the Quote Print Program.

Quotes remain in the Quote File even after they have been converted to an order. To remove expired and converted quotes, use the Quote Removal program.

Notes Processing for Quotes

During processing, the system automatically displays urgent notes for customers and items based on your settings on the Notes tab of SO Entry Options F/M. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from Sales Order Programs topic for additional details.

Quote Header and Line Document Notes

You can enter document notes for existing quote headers and lines. For existing quotes, document and line notes are available to view/edit (according to the user’s security). To access quote document or line functionality, select the Note icons. You have the option to print the note on the Quote. When you convert a quote to a sales order, you can export the quote document and line notes from the quote to the sales order. You also have the option to print the document and line notes on the pick ticket when you print the sales order and invoice generated from the converted quote. When you convert a quote to a sales order, you can also export the quote line notes from the quote to an associated purchase order or transfer and print the quote line notes on the associated purchase order or transfer. Refer to the Importing Notes topic for details.

Quote Entry Header Processing

The upper portion of the screen is called the header portion where you enter the quote number, customer, order date and other general information. The system also allows you to create quotes for companies or individuals that are not existing customers. Before you convert these quotes to sales orders, you must create a temporary customer in Customer F/M.

Quote status is also available to track Win/Loss information. Quotes status options are: Accepted/Declined/Partially Converted/Expired/Open. The date the quote was accepted or declined, and the reason declined also display on the Header screen. The Reason Declined field is validated against standard Lost Sale Reason Codes in FACTS.

Refer to the following procedures for more information about Quote Entry header processing:Enter a new quote

Delete a quote

Open an existing quote

Create a quote number


After the system creates the header record, all header fields except the customer number are accessible through the change header routine. Refer to the Quote Entry Header Information topic for field/field descriptions.


Line Item Processing

The lower portion of the screen is called the line item portion where you enter the item number, quantity and cost. You have the option of changing, adding, removing line items or deleting the quote at any time during the entry process. Deleted quote numbers may be used again.

Refer to the Quote Entry Items Information topic for field/field descriptions.

Refer to the following procedures for more information about Quote Entry item processing:


Add a line

Edit a line item

Delete a line item

Insert a line item or memo

Find a line item

Selecting companion items


Quote Entry Footer Processing

The ending routine consists of final fields prior to completion of the quote. The ending routine is not accessible if you have not entered line items for the quote. At the end of the footer routine, the new total represents the total amount of the quote. Refer to the Quote Entry Footer Information topic for field/field descriptions.


Additional Features

You can access the "Quick Look" function at any prompt in this program. This feature allows quick access to all customer and item related searches, inquiries and displays available from specific prompts throughout the entry programs. To access Quick Look, press the Quick Look hot key (set up in the Terminal F/M program in the System Management module).

See Also

Quote Entry Header Information

Quote Entry Item Information

Quote Entry Footer Information

Quote Header Detail Information

Quote Item Detail Information

Quote Entry Procedures

Quote Entry Menu Options