Use this program to print and reprint invoices, as well as and credit memos. The printed invoice or credit memo includes all pertinent header and line-item information, addresses and totals.
Order Confirmation, Direct Invoice Entry, and Credit Memo Entry programs also print through this program when you indicate that you want to print individual documents.
Invoice numbers (not to be confused with document numbers) are assigned just before each document is printed. Invoice numbers are not affected by reprinting.
If the invoice was created from a Blanket Sales Order, the Blanket Sales Order document number will print in the description column before the line-item(s).
Use the SO Bill of Lading Print program to print a bill of lading for an invoice.
If the Print MSDS Literature Location flag in the MSDS Control F/M (SOF985) is set to I, this program will print the MSDS literature locations or print the message "MSDS included" on the invoice for items that require an MSDS.
Be sure to include partially completed orders that have been zeroed out and orders with only backordered amounts. Even though the system does not print invoices for these orders (since there is no amount due), they must be run through this program so that the Daily Sales Register can process them.
Some invoice and credit memo parameters are determined in the Sales Orders Document Print Control Record including depth of the invoice/credit memo, whether the form is preprinted, and the standard memo.
Printing Ordered By Information
Based on the value of Print Ordered By prompt on the Invoices or Credit Memo tabs of Document Print Control F/M (SOF950) and if and the ordered by field is not blank, the invoice or credit memo includes "Ordered by xxxxx" in the line region on the first page only.
Make sure the BOM on Invoice flag is set to Y in the Static Control F/M. The component items used to produce the BOM item print on the invoices and credit memos when this flag is selected.
Test prints enable you to check that the forms are aligned properly in the printer before you print documents.
To print an alignment, select Print Options-->Print Alignment.
Direct Invoice and Credit Memo Notes
The system also prints any notes flagged during Direct Invoice Entry or Credit Memo Entry to print on invoices and credit memos. Urgent document notes print before normal document notes. Memos print before any line notes, and line notes print in the order of entry with no special dispensation for urgent notes.
When you sort the invoices by shipping warehouse, a line prints with warehouse, ship via and freight charges before the line’s shipping for each warehouse. If the document freight method is quoted, the freight charges do not print on this line. The total freight charges continue to print at the bottom of the invoice.
1. Print/Reprint
Enter whether documents are to be P-printed or R-reprinted. If a document has been printed once, it can only be reprinted. The program defaults to Printed.
2. Warehouse
Enter up to 20 two-character warehouse codes side by side to indicate the warehouse(s) for which documents are to be printed. Only valid warehouse codes are accepted. The program defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal.
3. Sort By Shipping Warehouse
For multiple warehousing only. Indicate whether to sort the invoice line items by shipping warehouse. If N is entered here, the line items will be not sorted.
4. Route
Enter up to 18 three-character route codes side by side for which documents are to be printed. Only valid route codes are accepted. Question marks are used as wild cards, i.e., entry of the first two route characters and a question mark displays all routes beginning with those two characters. Press F2 to a search. This field is disabled if the Use Routes flag in the SO Static Control F/M is not selected.
5. Document Number
Enter the document number(s) to (re)print (up to 6 digits). The entry must be a valid document number.If the document entered is the incorrect type or status, a message to this effect is displayed and the entry is not accepted (this includes confirmed, voided, deleted or not yet printed.
Select the Print All checkbox to print all selections for your print criteria and disable the Document Number Grid.
6. Document Type
Enter whether the documents to print are Print Completed Invoices only, Print Partially Confirmed Documents Only, Print Both Invoice and Partially Confirmed Documents.