Order Entry (SOE210)

How To

Use this program to enter new sales orders, or review and edit existing sales orders. A sales order effectively commits quantities of items for a customer and produces a pick ticket, which warehouse personnel use to fill the order.

Order Entry Processing Details

The Order Entry screen is divided into three sections: the header portion where you enter the customer placing the order and other general information required to process the order, the line item portion where you add items, quantity and pricing information, and the footer window where you enter final fields prior to completion of the sales order.

EWMS Processing Note

The Order Entry (SOE120) program checks to determine if the order you are modifying has been sent to Radio Beacon. If it has, and it has already been waved, you will not be able to change the order. If the order has not been waved, the Order Entry program sends a ‘nuke’ record to Radio Beacon. This record deletes the order from Radio Beacon. You must reprint the order before it can be picked. This program also allows you to reprint sales orders right from Order Entry. Select the Hot Ship checkbox to control picking priority in Radio Beacon.


During processing, the system automatically displays urgent notes for customers and items based on your settings on the Notes tab of SO Entry Options F/M. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from Sales Order Programs topic for additional details.

You can enter document notes for existing sales order headers and lines. SO Document and line notes are available to view/edit (according to the user’s security) for all open documents. You also have the option to print the note on the sales order(for order or backorder type documents only) as well as the invoice. When you run the Daily Sales Register, the system copies document notes to the past invoice. You can export sales order line notes to associated purchase orders or inventory transfers and print the exported sales order line notes on the PO or transfer ticket. When an Order Entry program automatically creates purchase order such as for a direct ship sales order, FACTS determines if Vendor and Item notes should import into the PO, based on the export options setup on the note. If a note is set to export or required, then FACTS automatically imports the note onto the PO.

Refer to the Importing Notes topic for details.

FACTS/eStorefront Integration Order Processing Notes:

The eStorefront B2C feature allows users who are unknown to FACTS to place new orders and check on the status of open orders. Because these users are not individually in the customer master file, the system uses the email address to distinguish users. When orders are sent from eStorefront to FACTS Order Entry, there is no indication in the record that this order is for a B2C customer. FACTS processing cannot check that the order has credit card terms instead of AR terms. It is very important that the eStorefront administrator set up the guest account to only allow credit card terms.

Because the current FACTS/eStorefront integration only supports a single warehouse on an order, all B2C orders are processed through one warehouse. The customer record that is set up in FACTS to be the B2C customer has an eStorefront warehouse assigned to it. All B2C orders then use that customer number and subsequently that warehouse.

When the header record is created for a new order in Order Entry, FACTS writes a record to the SORSOA file with the sold-to name, address and email. All web entered orders, whether B2B or B2C have the sold-to name, address and email stored in the SORSOA data file.

When the name and address display on the screen in Order Entry for web orders, the system uses the name and address from the SORSOA file rather than from the ARCUST file.

Note that document and line notes for orders entered in eStorefront do not display in FACTS Order Entry.

Order Entry Header Processing

The upper portion of the screen is called the header portion where you enter the customer placing the order, the customer’s ship-to address, and other general information required to process the order. Refer to the following procedures for more information about Order Entry header processing:

Enter a new document
Delete a document
Open an existing document
Create a document number

Line Item Processing

The lower portion is called the line item portion where you add items, quantity and pricing information to the sales order. The program automatically switches to add mode once you complete the header. This means the cursor appears in the Item Number field after you exit the last header field. You can use the line item browser to view items that you have already entered, select items so you can edit them and organize items so they appear in a certain order on the pick ticket. Use the mouse or arrow keys to choose add from the item browser, or select Edit-->Add Line from the menu. Refer to the following procedures for more information about Order Entry item processing:

Add a line
Edit a line item
Delete a line item
Insert a line item
Find a line item

From the buttons in the lower portion of the screen, you can access the Deposit/Payment Entry screen (via the Deposits button) to enter customer deposits or payments on SO documents, the Header Detail window (via the Header button) to access sales order header information, and the Line Detail(via the Line Detail button) to access items details for selected sales order lines.

Order Entry Footer Processing

The ending routine consists of final fields prior to completion of the sales order. The ending routine is not accessible if you have not entered line items for the order. At the end of the footer routine, the new total represents the total amount of the order. Refer to the Order Entry Footer Information topic for field descriptions.


Additional features

The Order Entry program supports the following features:

Designating items for direct ship

Using the Order Entry Menu options

Using the Price Search

Using the Past Sales Search

Changing ship via

Entering serial/lot items

Creating BOM items (kitting, on-the-fly)

Using the Job Costing Entry

Customizing the main order entry screen


Access this programby choosing Sales Orders-->Orders-->Order Entry from the Master Menu or by entering the access code OE anywhere in the FACTS menu system.

Sync Order Entry with Item, SO Customer, AR Customer and Vendor Inquiries (formerly SO Quick Look).

See Also:

Order Entry Header Information

Order Entry Line Item Information

Order Entry Footer Information

Enter a new document

Delete a document

Open an existing document

Create a document number

Add a line

Edit a line item

Delete a line item

Insert a line item

Find a line item

Selecting companion items

To convert a quote to sale