You are here: Sales Orders > Invoices > Counter Sales > Counter Sale Entry (SOE510)

Counter Sale Entry (SOE340)

How to

Use this program to create point of sale documents.

To access this program click Sales Orders>Invoices>Counter Sales>Counter Sale Entry.

To exit this program:

1. Complete any document you have open.

2. Click Done or select File>Exit.

SyncCounter Sale Entry with Item, SO Customer, AR Customer and Vendor Inquiries.

Processing details

The Counter Sale Entry screen is divided into three sections: the header portion where you specify the customer placing the counter sale and other general information required to process the counter sale, the line item portion where you add items, quantity and pricing information, and the footer window where you specify final fields prior to completion of the counter sale.


During processing, the system automatically displays urgent notes for customers and items based on your settings on the Notes tab of SO Entry Options F/M. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from Sales Order Programs topic for additional details.

Counter sale document and line notes are available to view/edit (according to the user’s security) for all open documents. You also have the option to print the note on the credit memo. You can export counter sales line notes to associated purchase orders or inventory transfers and print the exported counter sales line notes on the PO or transfer ticket.

Header processing

The upper portion of the screen is called the header portion where you specify the customer or document that the counter sale is for.

Click field descriptions for information on each field.

Refer to the following procedures for more information about Counter Sale Entry header processing:
Creating counter sales (process overview)

Open an existing counter sale document

Deleting a counter sale receipt

Line processing

The lower portion is called the line item portion where you specify items, quantity and pricing information for the counter sale. The program automatically switches to confirmation mode once you complete the header.

Click field descriptions for information on each field.

Refer to the following procedures for more information about Counter Sale Entry item processing:

Add line items (includes line-item entry fields)

Edit line items

Delete line items

Find line items in the browser

Designate a line item for direct ship

Selecting companion items

Footer processing

The ending routine consists of final fields prior to confirming the counter sale. The ending routine is not accessible if you added line items for the order. Refer to the Counter Sale Entry Footer Information topic for field/field descriptions.

Quoted Freight: In Order Entry, Confirmation Entry and Direct Invoice Entry, Credit Memo Entry and Counter Sales Entry FACTS provides an option to use quoted freight, based on control settings in AR Customer Maintenance and SO Static Control F/M (SOF980).

Click field descriptions for information on each field.

Refer to these procedures for more information about Counter Sale Entry footer processing:

Add freight and handling

Enter multiple payments

See also

Changing header detail

Changing line detail

Using menu options

Entering serial and lot items

Creating BOM items (kitting, on-the-fly)

Using the Job Cost Entry window

Using the Price Search feature

Counter Sale Entry header information

Counter Sale Entry line information

Counter Sale Entry footer Information

Entering a new counter sale document

Refunding counter sales