Creating direct invoices (process overview)

In many respects, entering a direct invoice is similar to entering a sales order; however, the footer of a direct invoice is the same as the one used in Order Confirmation.

  1. Click Sales Orders>Invoices>Direct Invoices.
  2. In the Ship-to field, the system displays the ship-to code from the sales order along with the full ship-to address or the default ship-to code for the customer. Edit the ship-to code, if necessary. If a customer requests to have an order shipped to an address other than its usual shipping address, use the Temporary Ship-to feature to facilitate this request.
  3. In the Invoicefield specify the confirmation date.
  4. In the Shipped field specify the date the order ships.
  5. The Turbo Tokens drop down list is available for faster use of CenPOS tokens credit card processing for deposits or payments on sales order documents. It is automatically populated with all available tokens for the specified customer and ship-to combination if the CCToken Usage in Ship-to F/M (ARF920) is set to “S – Ship To” or the specified customer if CCToken Usage in Ship-to F/M (ARF920) is set to “C – Customer”. Click here for more information about Turbo Tokens.
  6. (Optional) Select a warehouse to confirm if more than one warehouse displays on the order.
  7. The header is automatically created by the system.
  8. Specify the item. After you specify an item, the SO Side Bar is available from the entry grid to display additional item information.
  9. (Optional) Check the Ship Direct check box to indicate that this item is shipped directly to the customer ship-to address. Then specify the Vendor and click OK.

    (Optional) Check the Exceptional Sales check box to indicate that this line item should not be included usage for replenishment calculations.
  10. (Optional) For line items that should have their usage included in replenishment calculations, specify the usage date.
  11. In the Wh field, the system displays the default warehouse for the item. You can modify this value or search for a different warehouse.
  12. In the Ordered field, specify the customer's requested quantity. You can change the unit of measure on the ordered quantity.

    TIP: If the quantity entered exceeds the available inventory in the selected warehouse, the program gives you the option to accept the quantity anyway or to search other warehouses. The Search Warehouses window displays the warehouses that have the item, along with the available, on hand, committed, on order, back ordered and surplus quantities for the unit of measure selected. Select a warehouse. This creates a planned special order warehouse transfer. Make sure you back order the item.
  13. In the Committed field, enter a quantity to commit in the warehouse or accept the default. This field defaults to the quantity ordered, if that quantity is available in the selected warehouse.
  14. In the Shipped field, enter a quantity to ship.
  15. In the Backordered field, enter a back ordered quantity if the quantity ordered is greater than the available quantity in the selected warehouse. The program skips this field if the customer or your company does not allow back orders (Allow back orders flag not selected in AR Customer F/M and SO Static Control F/M), the item is a direct ship, or the selected warehouse has enough inventory to fill the order. When you enter a back-ordered quantity, Sales Order Entry programs base planned special order document creation on the Stock, NonStocked, Uninventoried, and Temporary prompts in Sugg PO/TR by Type section on the Line Options tab of SO Entry Options F/M (SOF915). Use these settings to indicate whether you want to have the system ask to create planned special order purchase orders or planned special order transfers by item type during Order Entry line processing. Refer to the Planned Special Order Transfer/Purchase Order Creation from Sales Order Entry Programs topic for detailed information about creating planned special order warehouse transfer or purchase orders for back-ordered quantities.
  16. You can enter additional line items or click Cancel to exit out of Add mode.
  17. You have these options.

Edit - to make changes for the highlighted line item.
dd a line.
elete the highlighted line.
nsert a line item above the highlighted item in the browser.
ave your changes

Header-to access the Header Detail for Documents screen, which is used to view (inquiry-mode) and/or modify warehouse, shipping information, request and order dates, and salesperson, freight, terms and ship via codes.

Highlight a line item and click Line Detail to access the Line Detail for Documents screen, which is used to view and/or modify item descriptions, quantity and shipping information, costing, and PO information

Access Note Entry (SME710) for the customer, item, header or line record specified in the program.

  1. Click Done to display Footer for Document dialog box.
  2. Complete or modify this information.

(Optional) Memo-a memo for the credit memo.

Ship-to-The ship-to code from the document header is displayed. You can modify this field.

Freight code-Options are Prepaid, Collect, Bill Later and A Prepay/Add.

In the Frt Method field, the Document Freight Method (Q/C) for this customer defaults from AR Customer Maintenance and is modifiable based on the Allow Method Change check box on the Invoicing tab of AR Customer Maintenance and is not a back order. Based on the setting, you can select from: Quoted Freight or Calculated Freight.

Unless the Freight Type is prepaid, specify or update freight and handling charges in the Freight $ field. Refer to the Entering Freight and Handling (Sales Orders) topic for details

Disc %-The discount percent (maximum of 100) or dollar discount (maximum equals merchandise total) of the merchandise total.  

Tax code -The tax code assigned to the customer’s ship to file.

Tax rate-If the Charge Tax flag in the Sales Orders Static Control F/M is not set to O-Override, you cannot override the tax code and this field is unavailable. Specify H-to use the high rate, L-to use the low rate, or X-to change tax status of this document to exempt.

Check, ATM, Debit Card, V,M/C, A, D, Coupon-Use this field to enter payments to this order.

Other-Use this field to apply this pay the order with other cash type payment methods.

Cash Terms-Use this field to specify a cash terms code. Specify the cash amount.

A/R Terms-This defaults to the terms code entered in the Terms Code setting for the customer.

  1. (Optional) Click Payments to access to the Deposit/Payment Entry window.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Check Print Direct Invoice now to print the direct invoice  when you complete the footer. If you choose to print the now, select a printer in the dialog box.
  4. (Optional) Check the Sort by Shipping Whse check box to print direct invoices in groups by shipping warehouse.
  5. (Optional) Check the Update Now check box to create/update any purchase orders generated by the direct invoice.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Done.