1. Open the Contract Entry program. You can access this program by selecting Sales Orders -> Contract Pricing-> Contract Entry.
2. For existing contracts, enter the contract number in the Contract # field. Press
to search.
3. When you enter the contract number, the system makes available the editable fields on the screen.
4. To edit existing contract prices for this contract, select one of the options across the bottom of the screen. Highlight a contract price (for Q-quantity break contract types or L-price level contract types) in the browser in the lower portion of the screen and click
to add pricing information. For Q-quantity breaks contract types you can enter a quantity break price and breaks 1-6. For L-price level contract types you can enter a standard price and price levels 1-6.
5. The following options are available, when a contract price record exists for the entered customer, item, shipping and UM scopes:
Review Accesses the Price Contract Review screen where you can mark/unmark a contract as awaiting review. Contracts awaiting review are not active.
Customers Accesses Customer Scope Entry (SOE561) to enter any number of individual customers (with or without ship-to’s) and any number of customer classes.
Items Accesses Item Scope Entry (SOE563) to enter any number of specific items (with or without UM specifications), any number of item classes, and any number of primary vendors for a contract..
Shipping Accesses Shipment Scope Entry (SOE565) to specify whether the contract is valid for drop ship lines.
Header Accesses Price Contract Header Detail to allow you to modify contract information such as description, effective dates or contract scope details.
Done Completes the contract and returns you to the Contract # field so you can enter or modify additional contracts.