image\sms400_shg.gif Security System Overview

The programs available on this menu enable the System Administrator to create and maintain FACTS users and to set program security.


The first line of security is the FACTS Sign On Screen. Each user must have a user code, password and company number to gain access to FACTS. This keeps unauthorized individuals from entering your system, but many companies find that they need to restrict authorized FACTS users from gaining access to programs and menus inside the system.

Passwords & Security System

Administrators can set up three additional types of security for FACTS users.

User security codes. This security method is effective for restricting certain users to certain programs in a more automated and transparent manner.

Administrators can assign up to 10 security codes to each user record in User Code F/M. These same security codes can be assigned to programs or menus in the Password Security F/M. If a user lacks the security code assigned to a program, the system prevents access.

For instance, most companies may want to keep their salespeople from the Salesperson/Territory F/M, where they could potentially change minimum required calls, commissions, monthly sales, etc. An administrator could assign a security code of 1 to each salesperson’s user code record and then assign that same security code to Salesperson/Territory F/M and any other programs salespeople should not access.

This method enables the system to track security clearance so that administrators don’t need to keep track of passwords, and users don’t have to remember them. Users simply can’t gain access to areas they are not "coded" to use.

Valid terminals. Similar to the idea of assigning security codes to users, terminal IDs can be assigned numbers in Terminal F/M.

By assigning these numbers, administrators can create groups of Terminal IDs and then designate which numbers (representing groups of terminal IDs) have access to which programs in Program F/M (System Management--> Menu Setup-->Program F/M). By default, all terminals are flagged as valid for all programs.

This method enables administrators to assign security rights based on terminal ID and assign security rights across a range of terminal IDs, which can save time.

Password protection. Individual programs and menus can be password protected in the Password Security F/M program. This method can be used in conjunction with user security codes so even users with the proper code must enter a password to access a program.

User Tracking

The FACTS User Tracking feature enables the System Administrator to track program usage on the system. User Tracking monitors and records program entry, exit and usage time by user. User Tracking Removal enables the System Administrator to remove the tracking information.

Notes Entry

Use Notes Entry (SME710)to enter and maintain notes for AR documents, Sales Order documents, Purchase Order documents, customers, items, and vendors.The system displays notes information from several points within FACTS:Item F/M (ICF910) and Customer F/M (ARF910), Item Inquiry (ICI610) and AR Customer Inquiry (ARI610), Item Search and Customer Search, Purchase Order and Sales Order entry programs.

User Management

The User Management (SME900) program monitors user activity and remove users from the system or by company.

API Key Code Entry

The API Key Code Entry (SME007) program allows you to enter the API Publish key code, once the API Toolkit is installed and running. This program also helps prevent unauthorized access to the API by providing a password that is required for access to the Subscribe APIs.